
CRM Features


Sales Automation

Sales automation is the process of streamlining manual, tedious, and time-consuming tasks in the sales process so your sales team can focus less on back-office activities and more on selling.

Leads: Converting Lead to Opportunity/Account/Contact.
Opportunities: Potential sales in CRM.
Customer Accounts: Each account is a central record in the B2B model.

Marketing Automation

Always know what your next best marketing move will be. Personalized experiences to users across Apps, Website, E-Mail, SMS & more.

Campaigns, Social Media Integrations
Mass E-mail Marketing,
Target Lists, Website - to - Lead


Automate Activities

Automate routine activities Meetings, Calls, Tasks, Products/stock Management, Quotes Management, Sales Orders, Invoices system, Google Calendar Sync, Outlook Calendar Sync, Shared Calendar.
Avoid human error. Users can see schedules of coworkers. Sending invitations to attendees.

Workflows & BPM tools

Business Process Management (BPM tool). It provides an ability to model and automate business processes. Workflows Actions can be triggered if specific conditions are met.

Available actions: send e-mail, update records, create a new record, create notifications, assign records by a specific rule.

workflows-bpm process
CRM is a category of integrated, data-driven software solutions that improve how you interact and do business with your customers. CRM systems help you manage and maintain customer relationships, track sales leads, marketing, and pipeline, and deliver actionable data

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